Friday, May 28, 2010

Watch Out For the Little Fox!!!

Well gang, it has been a while and I have learned a few things. First I went through a fasting process. I was told by one of my daughters that I was addicted to facebook. God used the words of my child to open my eyes. Could I lay down facebook for a full week?! I decided to do one better and lay down my blog for a while as well. I did good for most of the week. Then graduation events started, and I thought weeeelllll one little cheat on food here won't hurt......then the next day that cheesecake looks good. Then aaaahhhh a business trip for a week. Well I thought I would try a special place to eat and slipped. Boy isn't that something. Started out on a fast from something I was almost idolizing according to my daughter and end up sliding in my weight loss quest. In Song Of Solomon 2:15 It talks about that sneaky little animal called the fox that can spoil the vineyard. Well I had a little fox that tried to come in and get me off track. In fact slipping up on eating is my BIG FAT FOX. I am determined to shoot him! Do you have a fox....maybe the sneaky fox of thoughts or depression, or battles with porn or drugs. I know this it's those sneaky subtle "give in's" that add up and make us ask the did I get here?! Join with me and slay your giant as I slay mine and snap the little fox in half!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Water A Powerful Thing!!

So [Israel] came up to Baal-perazim, and David smote [the Philistines] there. Then David said, God has broken my enemies by my hand, like the bursting forth of waters. Therefore they called the name of that place Baal-perazim [Lord of breaking through]"(1 Chronicles 14:11, AMP)

Notice how David likened God's power to the bursting forth of waters. In other words, he described it as a flood. He was saying that when the God of the breakthrough shows up and releases His power, it will be like a flood of His goodness, a flood of His favor, a flood of healing, a flood of new opportunity.
Think about how powerful water is. Three or four inches of water can pick up a huge car that weighs thousands of pounds and move it all around. I've seen on the news whole houses floating down the river in big floods. Nothing can stop the force of that water! Anything that's in its way is moved!
Today, we may have difficulties that look extremely large, obstacles that look impassable, dreams that look unobtainable. But know this: when the God of the breakthrough releases a flood of His power, nothing can stop it. We need to get ready not for a trickle, not for a stream, not for a river. Get ready for a flood of God's favor, a tidal wave of His goodness, a tsunami of His increase! Dare to believe that God is going to overwhelm you with victory in every area of your life today!

Just like the reference above water is SO very important to success in washing away the giant of obesity! Basically it is really hard to drink to much water. The more you drink the more it washes out. Cold water is even better from some of the research I have done. It increases activitiy in your body.
I am so Glad I serve a God of Breakthrough!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Building Your Team

As I get deeper into this process I have had a greater understanding of just how important it is to have a good team around you. Just like any sport it is important to get FRESH blood into the game to be at your best. I took a step today and asked someone very special to me to be one of my accountability partners. I called my cousin who is one of the BRAVEST people and GREATEST warriors I know. She has been battling one disaster after another now for the last several years. She has been a true OVERCOMER! She is battling with cancer at this time in her life and, as most of us do, she has "her days" as I have mine. We agreed together today to stand in the gap for each other and ask the hard questions, when nobody else will ask. To speak the TRUTH in LOVE. To pray for one another. I am excited to be on a team with Candy, and I know as we go through this and encourage each other to keep "The Eye of The Tiger" we will be better fot it! Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." Let the sparks fly baby!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You've Been Puncked!

Well today was a VERY different service in church. So different in fact I am going to go off subject for this post. BUT stay tuned....Today of course we honored the Mom's since it was Mother's Day. Osama Ben Saved Interviewed people about Moms before service. It was fun. Got a lot of great comments about Moms, then we called the Moms up front and gave them precious flowers and a cute bookmark, then prayed blessings over them all. Then Pastor Ro had a word pertaining to healing of the soul.....WOW BIG response! Then Pastor Mark continued his sermon on the B Attitudes.....BUT little did everyone know....there was an undercover plant in the midst of us this day! Thats right... You may have seen punked...or undercover boss.... well I contacted an old friend of mine who was one of my A team drama memebers at a previous church. I asked him if he would help our Pastor with a sermon on truely showing love and compassion. So Kenny stopped shaving 3 days ago.....began wearing the same clothes everynight working in the yard. Then last night started a leaf fire and stood in the middle of it so he would smell REALLY SWEET today. To top it off he poured some beer on his clothes. He showed up VERY early today and appeared to be hanging out behind the church. He infiltrated the fellowship hall.... once one of the members saw him wandering around outside the doors. He ate a lot of donuts and drank coffee. BUT was off by himself........the occasional do gooder would feel bad enough to stop for a second and say hi then leave. Very few said more than a quick hi. I stirred the pot some by making comments about "being sure to keep an eye on this guy" and yes that person got mad....BUT did they act?.... Pastor even asked some to go talk and spend time with this "homeless" person......Yet some of those even walked the other way!!!!!! But many were going around giving hi 5's and hugs to them and theirs..... WOW.....WOW .....are we nothing more than a social club while at church????? Are we a bless me club??????? Are we REALLLY willing to die for Christ, pick up His cross and follow Him?!!! We say we are BUT when it gets down to where the rubber meets the road.....are we really serious???? So many points and lessons were brought out in todays experiment. The question is will it produce fruit????? Would you have spent time really trying to meet a need in this individual????? Would you REALLLLLLLY be willing to die for Christ?????? Many of these today I'm sure have said yes to that question.....BUT when it came down to it....they either did not recognize the need......or saw the need and chose to ignore the need, or just plain FROZE up.......or is it a too good attitude???? I can't speak for any of these people..... BUT I do know what I learned through this process, I learned that people can really stink! Physically BUT also spiritually.

Kenny was incredible, he was SOOO believable. At the end of the service Pastor Mark revealed his plant. He allowed Kenny to speak and one thing that broke my heart was this.....I was welcomed by a few, BUT I did not feel the love......If I was thinking of committing suicide when I came in....I most likely would have completed the act after leaving..... WOW! I took this very personal due to some recent events in my life.

I wondered to myself would I have responded? Would I have been judgemental? Would I have been Joe supper Usher and escorted him out of our church? I can't say without a doubt, I can say moving forward I have a whole new look on our purpose. I AM NOT at church to be in a social club, or a bless me club, or a look at me club....... I am not at church to be entertained, Lord knows there are pleanty of other churchs I could go to for that! I am at church to study His word so I can seek and save the lost. I want to make a difference in life. I am now purposed more than ever to destroy the workes of the Devil and be the Devils PERSONAL NITEMARE!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Wall comes down!

Well I have been in a bit of a struggle. I hit a wall! YES a big wall. BUT I stood my ground and began to read about the walls of Jericho in Joshua chapter 6. I saw first of all that Joshua heard God and obeyed. I know I heard God and He has sent me on this passage. I know in my heart it is so! He promissed me He would deliver this gant into my hand! God gave me my instructions through prayer, gaining knowledge, and using wisdom. I have found that as I got into this area of the wall that I had to TRUST God and so I did, I continued on. A good friend of mine has always said, if you don't know what to do....just keep doing what you know! So I marched on. I spoke to the wall and commanded it to go. Then I began to praise God for what He had already done! Wooola about 7 days later the wall fell and I was on my way again. Now this I know. The enemy will most likely continue to put up walls to try and discourage me....BUT The Truth is I will WIN! I will pocess what I have been promised! Will you take your land as I take mine? Let's knock down the walls and run our race!

