Friday, April 23, 2010


Here are some nuggetts to chew on:

  • Water, water, water, the more the better.
  • Call someone if you are fixin to blow it.
  • No full meals after 7PM
  • Pick out scriptures and write them down, keep them in front of you.
  • Have week moment foods.
  • Beware of fried foods.
  • Beware of sugar.
  • Don't go to long between meals.
  • Start your engine in the morning....DO NOT skip breakfast!
  • Learn to say no!
  • Get pleanty of sleep.
  • Must get rid of the "dieters" mentality. It's a lifestyle change.
  • Must take responsibility for my health.
  • It doesnt matter what I know....Bottom line what matters is what I am doing!
  • I can NOT do what I feel like doing and STAY in victory! I CHOOSE to do what's right.

So chew on these nuggetts and watch God work on your behalf!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Prov 27:17 talks about a friend helping another friend. Well this is all categories of friends. Including family. As I continue in this adventure I can proudly say I have an incredible support group, my facebook friends have been so encouraging. If you are not on facebook I would encourage you to check it out. Then comes my brother and sister in law who played a big part in my kickoff and continue to encourage me to this day. My Mom and Dad have been great. The men at church, dudes thanks for being REAL! My daughters oh my what a blessing you all have been in this process. Most of all my bride of 25 plus years, you my dear are my hero. So I end with this ....any giant you face.....make sure you surround yourself with those who will stand with you all the way through! Then get ready for the rewards!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The points I shared at the beginning and the 5 stones,as well as the points I will share in the future can be applied to any giant you may face in life. God's word is true, powerful and alive. Take His word and the points I bring out and apply them to any battle you face in life and watch things begin to turn. One thing is critical. YOU must pray and know YOU are READY! Get a plan together and implement it. Keep your focus, push in to what God has for you!

Stone #5 - Trust

Psalms 32:10 talks about trusting God. I must trust my God for I need grace! In whom or what will I put my trust? Who or what am I dependent on? See I have found it is OK to put my trust in accountability partners, BUT only after I have put my trust in God first. See I trust my God to work through those He has showed me to have as accountability partners. As a partner YOU also must be trusted by your partner. This is critical for the process to work properly. You both must have clearance to speak the truth in love and allow each other total access. You must also trust that the scripture is true and ALIVE as a part of your life!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stone #4 - Truth

John 8:32 is a sound verse to hold onto in my process. Truth is so important. We MUST KNOW the truth. The word is my primary source of Truth.

Food Truths

#1 - I must balance my intake of food with my output of energy
#2 - Starvation IS NOT balance (stimulate my metabolism 5 times a day)
#3 - My body needs 4 hours of exercise each week!
#4 - Believing the truth will save my life, my dreams, and my ministry!
#5 - Spirit filled living is better than slef control. If I walk in the Spirit I will not fullfill the lusts of the flesh! GAL 5:16

I need to seek Truth when the giant presses me! Freedom comes from the Knowlege of truth and it always provides an escape to safety. Knowledge is power, I must ask questions if I don't know! If I put my spirit over my flesh I will have success. My long term achievment is worth the short term sacrifice.

Another source of truth in my process is research for scientific information, reading all labels, talking to others who have been successful, and reading books.

To conclude, I attended Noah Evan Felts Life Celebration today. It was the most amazing funeral I have ever had the honor to attend. It truely was a celebration. WOW! There were hundreds in attendance and during worship the alters were full of teens worshipping God. I saw one of my best friends get up and speak about his son, BUT in the process David spoke the truth as well as the pastors who made comments. My MY I must say I was in AWE as I watched the Holy Spirit annoint Davids lips and minister to those present. I was so proud of my friend, he is like an oak. Will he have hard times?.... yes...BUT he will not fail! He may fall BUT the bible confirms he will get back up! The truth is we have an enemy and the bible is clear it is the devil and he seeks those he may kill or steal from or destroy. The other side of the truth is there is only one way to heaven. That was presented and many were bron again today because of truth! As we fight this giant together and our individual giants, know this....SEEK Truth and the truth shall set you free!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This has been a VERY Difficult week. Our very good friends David and Cheryl Felts lost their youngest son who took his own life. I did not sleep much last night praying for the family and hurting for them and feeling their pain. As I went through this process I realized I am an emotional eater. I wanted to head for the kitchen and find comfort food. As I was made aware of this I turned to God and my wife. The bible says the Holy Spirit is my comforter! I put a plan into place and set my eyes on my race. During these times I will eat something on my plan and pray before doing so. Asking am I REALLY hungry? Drink a full glass of water, pray then re-evaluate. The key is hearing God's voice and obeying. Also KNOWING my body and when it signals true hunger. Another big key is community. I saw how important community is as I watched all the loving gestures, emails, calls and visitors to David and Cheryl and family. God did not design us to do life on our own. I am so proud of them especially David. He is the rock of his family. His roots in Jesus are deep and he will weather this storm. He is determined to go on with the things of God. Eye of the Tiger! David and Cheryl I love you and am praying for all of you.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stone #3 - Conviction

With Easter this last weekend it reminds me of RESURECTION Power. Just the word resurection stirs me. So goes conviction......Eye of the Tiger! Confidence consumes cowardice when you are convinced of victory. Doubt is heavy baggage to carry into war so you need to be convinced that self control wins imeasurable rewards! David was convinced of the truth when he faced the giant. I must have a conviction that this time when I take on the fat master I am going to succeed! The enemy will try to weaken your constitution by reminding you of your past. We also MUST stay focused. I am reminded of the movie "Last of the Mohicans" when the main character charges across an active battle field puching, hatcheting, and shooting with his eyes focused on his love who is in parrel. He WILL get to her and save her. WE must have that resolve in our hearts!Motivation will define my purpose-Understanding will fortify my stance against the enemy-conviction will give me the fortitude to fight until the battle is over!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stone #2 - Understanding

STONE 2 - UNDERSTANDING-Motivation was enough for David to enter the battle BUT his understanding was the power to win! I SAM 17:25. I understand God does not want me to be a slave to food! PROV 4:7-9! PROV 19:8! I understand how my culture impacts my eating habits. I MUST develop good times without the wrong foods. I... am dissassociating food from fun! I understand the difference between the two. The battle goes on........

Stone #1 Motivation

My first stone is Motivation.I want to be here for my wife and kids and grandkids. I want to help other whip the giant of obesity. I want to go on a mission trip. I want to get off my medications and c-pap. I want to have a better choice of clothes.I want ubundant life. I wish to present my body as a living sacrifice G...od is more glorified by living sacrifices, than by shortened lives! ROM 12:1-2

My Five Smooth Stones

The battle is being won! I am down to 360 thats 45 pounds so far. 350 here I come! Just like David in I Sam 17:40 I am using 5 stones to kill my giant! Here they are: 1- Motivation, 2-Understanding, 3-Conviction, 4-Truth, 5-Trust. In the weeks to come I will share information about each stone.

Catch Up

I was asked to begin this blog after beginning this process on facebook. So I am putting my postings to date on this section to help catch you all up. Here they are:

I have been praying and seeking God on what to do for quite some time. The cool thing is He is showing me scripture and reference which I will share as we go along. I say we because Sandee is also in this life style change with me. I know this is where we are suppose to be and what we are supposed to pursue with all of... our heart! My central thought is this : We need to face our giants. I Sam 17:1-51

I will be sharing thoughts as I go....for example, I disassociate eating from fellowship....My weapon is my faith in God! I will kill the giant quickly!... I eat to live I DO NOT LIVE TO EAT.....

New Day ...well today one of my best friends Joe D'Amico is coming into town. We are chow hounds. Here comes the first BIG test, as I said I do not associate fellowship with eating! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

My source DOES NOT live in the lives in GOD! Where there is no investment there is no committment! It's NEVER 2 late 2 change my habits and strengthen my life! God's word builds me up mentally & spiritually while attacking the lathargic part of my life style!

Heb 12:1-2 I am running and am determined!I shall not live by bread alone BUT by EVERY word of God! I refuse to be slain by a slab of B-Q ribs! It's getting easier! I actually did mazzios today and did good! Thank you sugarbuns for running this race with me! Weigh in is tomarrow...,...

Food IS NOT the joy of my life!!!! Jesus is the joy of my life! Stomach of mine I AM in control! Wellll the 1st week weigh in came in pretty good! 389..... 39 to go for first goal! I have 4 goals 350, 300, 275 and maintain for life. Soon work outs will kick in and help me as well. I see myself at the size I want to be!... I'll have what I say when I believe what I say will come to pass! Press IN!

Eye of the Tiger baby! I'm remined of the movie Rocky he had to find the eye to connect with his heart and win the fight.....I have found it! I will win! Man I am finding some cool stuff to share with you all. More to come!

I'm taking back control of my life! I am calling my giants bluff! He is NOT big comparred to the spirit of God inside of me, and he will not devour me! I weighed today and hit 370 pds!!! The scriptures for this week are John 10:10, 6:35,63 I John 5:4, James 2:17.

The Battle Begins

I am sharing an journey with all of you to help me from an accountability standpoint. I am facing my giant in life. I started the Adkins Life style three weeks ago. I hope a year from now to weigh significantly less. My starting wieght is 405pds. I am going to weigh once a week, work out 3 times a week, and incorporate the word of God and prayer into my plan. I appreciate support and look forward to slaying my giant!